Stimulus Rollup

This example is based on the Stimulus site, but based on Ruby2JS instead and hosted by Ruby on Rails. It makes use of the new jsbundling-rails support included in Rails 7.

See the stimulus filter for more details.

Create a Project

Start a new project:

rails new stimulus-rollup -j rollup
cd stimulus-rollup

Add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'ruby2js', require: 'ruby2js/rails'

Run the following commands:

./bin/bundle install
./bin/rails ruby2js:install:stimulus:rollup

Write some HTML and a matching Stimulus controller

Generate a Rails controller:

./bin/rails generate controller Greeter hello

Add the following to app/views/greeter/hello.html.erb:

<div data-controller="hello">
  <input data-hello-target="name" type="text">

  <button data-action="click->hello#greet">

  <span data-hello-target="output">

Remove app/javascript/controllers/hello_controller.js, and create app/javascript/controllers/hello_controller.js.rb with the following contents:

class HelloController < Stimulus::Controller
  def greet()
    outputTarget.textContent =
      "Hello, #{nameTarget.value} from Ruby!"

Try it out!

As you created a new controller, you will need to update the stimulus manifest. You will also need to build and bundle your change (this can be done with a --watch parameter to automatically be run every time a controller changes). Finally you will need to start your server.

This can be accomplished with the following three commands:

./bin/rails stimulus:manifest:update
yarn build
./bin/rails server

Visit http://localhost:3000/greeter/hello. What you should see:

Browse http://localhost:3000/assets/controllers/hello_controller.js. This should match the following:

Make a change to app/assets/javascript/controllers/hello_controller.js.rb and see the results. Make sure you either have yarn build --watch running, or you have rerun yarn build manually.

Next: Stimulus Webpacker